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Frequently Asked Questions
The home watch industry is still fairly new and you probably have questions. We've got answers!
What is home watch?
The National Home Watch Association describes home watch as a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues.
Why do I need a home watch service?
Now, more than ever, protecting your assets is a top priority. As squatting, burglary tourism, and other threats are on the rise, having professional eyes and ears on your property has become a necessity.
What does "Vetted," really mean?
Many people entrust their neighbors to watch over their homes while away, but how well do you know your neighbors? Mid Shore Home employees have been independently background checked by the National Home Watch Association through the State of Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Some MSH employees have had additional vetting and background checks by the Maryland State Police and have special state licensing. You can feel confident your property is being watched by professionals in the home watch field.
Tell me about your accreditation.
In November 2023, Mid Shore Home became an accredited member of the National Home Watch Association, and only one of three accredited home watch companies in the State of Maryland. Not all companies qualify for membership in the National Home Watch Association. Members have been carefully screened. References have been checked, and insurance, bonding and licenses (if applicable) have been verified. Each member has agreed to abide by our Code of Ethics and set of standards. Membership in the NHWA can be verified by visiting the NHWA Accredited Member Locations Page or by contacting the NHWA.
What is "Squatting?"
Squatting is nothing new, but it seems to be trending nationwide. The latest trend involves a person or people who break into a home, replace the door locks and produce a bogus lease with the homeowner's name and signature. When law enforcement is called to investigate, the perpetrator then produces the bogus lease and claims the owner is renting to them. This now becomes a civil matter and the police cannot evict the perpetrator and long judicial battle typically ensues. Our services do not guarantee 100% protection against squatters, but we can help keep your property from being targeted with frequent visits.
Prince George's County Squatting Article
Baltimore County Article
USA Today Article
Are squatters a problem in our area? We're not aware of any issues in the mid-shore area but it's only a matter of time until this national trend reaches our area. Squatting has been an issue in Prince George's and Anne Arundel Counties in Maryland.
What is "Burglary Tourism?"
Burglary tourism is a new trend that has started to show up in Delaware, California and Florida. Gangs profile homeowners who may have large amounts of cash or valuables in their homes and then coordinate sophisticated burglaries when the homes are unoccupied. Many of these gangs are foreign nationals that essentially receive a slap on the wrist if caught. Again, we cannot offer 100% protection, but we can help detour potential criminals from targeting your home with frequent visits.
Delware Burglary Tourism Article
Does Mid Shore Home offer security services?
No, Mid Shore Home is not a security company. We will respond to tripped alarms if instructed, but only after local law enforcement has concluded their investigation. If a break-in has occurred, MSH can help secure the property per the owner's instruction.
Tell me more about the National Home Watch Association.
The National Home Watch Association started in 2009 and has been the gold standard for home watch industry in the United States and Canada. NHWA has over 700 members most states and Canadian provinces and even Australia!
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